— On Wednesday President Barack Obama played host to NASCAR’s champions in what I can only describe as the coolest thing I’ve seen happen at the White House in really, really long time.
I loved that in his interview with ESPN President Obama stressed the importance of NASCAR and its role in helping the automotive industry. It’s a very important marketing tool and I’m so glad he took the time out from his insane schedule to support the automakers and NASCAR.
Now, the other really cool thing about NASCAR’s White House trip was seeing all of the drivers in suits. They all looked like serious hotties. 🙂

(center) President Barack Obama welcomes to the White House Connie Montoya (left) and NASCAR Sprint Cup Series driver Juan Pablo Montoya (right) during NASCAR’s visit to Washington, D.C. on Wednesday. (Photo Credit: NASCAR Public Relations)
(Left to right) Three-time defending NASCAR Sprint Cup Series champion Jimmie Johnson presents President Barack Obama with a helmet in the Oval Office at the White House in Washington, D.C. on Wednesday. (Photo Credit: Official White House Photo)
— Denny Hamlin hung out with the guys on the Virginia Tech football team while he was in town promoting Richmond International Raceway’s NASCAR race scheduled for next month.

(Left to right) NASCAR Sprint Cup Series driver Denny Hamlin sends in a play with Virginia Tech quarterback Tyrod Taylor during Hamlin’s visit to practice Thursday in Blacksburg, Va. to promote next month’s race weekend at Richmond International Raceway. (Photo Credit: Harrelson Photography / Richmond International Raceway)
(Left to right) Virginia Tech football coach Frank Beamer and NASCAR Sprint Cup Series driver Denny Hamlin switch uniforms Thursday in Blacksburg, Va. during Hamlin’s visit to promote next month’s race weekend at Richmond International Raceway. (Photo Credit: Harrelson Photography / Richmond International Raceway)
— This weekend is the Indy Grand Prix of Sonoma at Infineon Raceway and I will be in attendance again this year.
I’m really looking forward to it but not for the reasons you might think. Two women, Kristi Yamaguchi and Jennifer Azzi, that are both Olympic gold medalists that I looked up to as a kid will be on hand for Sunday’s IndyCar race,
Azzi, who helped the US win the gold medal in basketball at the 1996 Olympics and played for Stanford University, will be the Grand Marshal. When my sister was deciding which college she would go attend to play basketball for I was around 11 years old and I got to meet Jennifer when we went to Stanford to check out their program. She gave me an autograph that I still have to this day. It was a huge deal for me at that time because she was one of the best female college basketball players in the country.
— Staying on the topic of the Indy Grand Prix of Sonoma, three of the drivers competing this weekend took part in another kind of race yesterday in San Francisco:
IndyCar® Series driver E.J. Viso beat the odds and took the win over fellow drivers Justin Wilson and Scott Dixon in a one-of-a-kind competition today, claiming the victory in a “Daddy Boot Camp Challenge.”
Viso, a bachelor with no children, was an unlikely winner of the challenge, which tested the drivers’ abilities at diaper changing and swaddling. Dixon, the father of a one-month old daughter, and Wilson (Dale Coyne Racing), who has a one-year old daughter, were certainly the favorites entering the competition, but Viso took the early lead and the win in the fun-filled activity. The drivers were in town in advance of this weekend’s Indy Grand Prix of Sonoma at Infineon Raceway, Aug. 21-23.
Viso credited his skills and victory to helping out with his seven nephews.
“I’m very excited about the win. I think this might be a sign,” said Viso, who drives for HVM Racing. “I actually have a lot of practice (in diaper changing) because I have seven nephews, so I’ve probably changed more diapers than these two guys put together.”

The three drivers (from left) Justin Wilson, Scott Dixon and E.J. Viso compete under the watchful eye of Expectant Father Educator Armin Brott at California Pacific Medical Center in San Francisco (credit: Infineon Raceway)
It’s hilarious that the one guy with no children won this thing. Good job E.J.! Meanwhile, Scott and Justin have some serious splainin’ to do.
If you’re thinking about going to race this weekend, tickets are still available. Some ticket deets: $10-$65 single day/$65-$85 weekend; parking is FREE and kids 12 and under are FREE (Saturday only). Garage passes are available for purchase. More information at InfineonRaceway.com
I’ll be twittering both days so be sure to follow me for updates!