David Ragan married his longtime girlfriend, Jacquelyn Butler, on Saturday, December 15th in Charlotte, NC.
More photos and an interview with Jacquelyn are posted on Modern Trousseau Nashville.
Wedding Day! twitter.com/JacquelynButle…
— Jacquelyn Ragan (@JacquelynRagan) December 15, 2012
Had a blast last night with the new Mrs. Ragan. Big thanks to all the family and friends who made it special.
— David Ragan (@DavidRagan) December 16, 2012
What an amazing night with friends and family! I’m so thankful to have married my best friend @davidragan !!
— Jacquelyn Ragan (@JacquelynRagan) December 16, 2012
Sabrina n I being the hair n makeup team for the bridesmaids for the Ragan wedding!! instagr.am/p/TREO8wS6na/
— Samantha Busch (@SamanthaBusch) December 15, 2012