This was my exact reaction to hearing the news about Kurt Busch joining Stewart-Haas Racing next year:
I mean, WTF??? I don’t understand AT ALL how you get rid of Ryan Newman and then ADD Kurt Busch. This is insane. I mean, WHAT??? How long until Kurt burns this bridge? Yea, I’m jaded and I’m being pretty negative about Kurt right now but I’m sorry I’m not sorry. It’s mostly the fact that they turned away Ryan that’s making no sense to me right now. You mean, you can get sponsors for Kurt and not Ryan? That’s a true thing? Really? Kurt is not the most like-able person and if you put Ryan up against Kurt in a popularity contest, Ryan would win EVERY time. If I had a product or service to sell I’d pick Ryan to promote it, no hesitance at all.
There was a press conference today and Gene Haas, co-owner of Stewart-Haas Racing, did say that Tony wasn’t happy about going to 4 teams. And he’s saying more stuff about how the decision was HIS and not Tony’s, check out Marty Smith’s Twitter feed for more.