So awhile ago I was contacted by representatives from the Goo Gone brand. They found my post about presenting the Hottest Driver Trophy to Tony Stewart where I recounted how I used Goo Gone to get rid of those pesky hot sauce bottle labels. They picked me to be one of their Goo Gone GooRus (gooru = guru, get it?) and I was happy to oblige. This is seriously not an ad, I’m not being paid to say any of this. I just love their product. It’s one of those things that solves a really annoying problem in a simple way. I actually discovered it when I worked at a Best Buy a million years ago. I worked in the appliance department and we had to get rid of those stickers they attach to refrigerators and stuff, so we used Goo Gone and I’ve been a fan ever since. So needless to say I’m honored to be a GooRu! 🙂 Go check out my GooRu of the Week slide on their Facebook page.
In other news…
— Here’s an update on My NASCAR Year 2012. So far we’ve raised $5,419, which is awesome but we’re still far from the $125,000 goal. If you can’t contribute please forward the original post to your friends, co-workers, strangers, etc. I’m looking for corporate sponsors as well, so tell them too. It’s easy (and secure) to donate online, you can do so anonymously if you choose, just check out the Donation page.