I’m in the middle of moving out of beautiful Sonoma county and down to the East Bay here in the San Francisco Bay Area. Things are going to be sporadic around here for a little while so bear with me while I get my “new normal” all figured out and settled.
That being said there are some supercool things on the horizon for The Fast and the Fabulous. First being that I’ll be on the “Democratizing Sports Media: How Blogging Players, Fans & Leagues Are Changing the Game” panel at Blogs with Balls 3 in Chicago on June 5th. You should definitely come out if you’re job or passion involves the world of sports media & marketing. It’s going to be a good time.
The other supercool things haven’t been nailed down yet, but as soon as they are you’ll be the first to hear about ’em. Promise! 🙂