I’ve been wanting to make a post about this for sometime now. So here goes nothing. The following photos are of my cube at work (aka my day job). I thought it would be cool show you guys how I’ve decorated my space. I have to say that it’s not as extravagant or cool as some of my previous spaces have been, we’re supposed to be moving to another office at some point so who wants to move all that stuff?

As they say on MTV Cribs, “This is where the magic happens” — at least in a literary sense:

My Desk At Work

My Desk At Work

Google runs my life and I’m totally ok with that.

Let’s all take a moment to thank the great people at ESPN The Magazine for putting Dale Earnhardt Jr. on one of the covers for their 10th anniversary. Thank you!

My Desk At Work

My pride & joy by far has to be my credential holder, all of the races I’ve attended as a member of the media are kept in this puppy and I would seriously freak out if I ever lost it. Good times, good times. I’m also collecting (or at least trying to) the little diecast cars the folks at the Auto Club Speedway give out every year, I have no idea if they actually sell these but I like the fact that I got ’em for free. Each car has the date of race written on it, they definitely make for a great keepsake.

Oh and I must point out the super cute birthday card (sitting next to the John Mayer photo) my friend Jamie gave me 8 years ago (crazy!). It’s the coolest thing ever because the two little girls look eerily just like us, right on down to my glasses and her blond hair!

My Desk At Work

Yes, that’s right, I have two Dale Jr. calendars! I have no shame.